Friday, September 24, 2010

Good Times

Well I told you I would post something about yesterday telling everyone how youth united went but got home late and was super tired so I figured I would just post everything from yesterday today.... yesterday was a blast, we were able to meet a ton of new people, and had some pretty cool experiences.  To start the day off we read some material from our ISOM (Illinois school of ministry) classes right now we are studying hermeneutics, which will teach us how to explain, understand, and interpret the bible the way god intended us to.  We then talked with our leaders about the schedule for the day and how the day was going to pan out.  Corey our senior high pastor had been preaching about running hard and falling hard, so.... we wanted to demonstrate this somehow and came up with this.......  its a little hard to see but me and Ashley had to stand on each end and see how horizontal we could get...this wasn't us this was two other leaders but you get the idea.....oh and we won by the way... ha.

 <<<< so this is the youth united room where we have wed night service....

<<< and this is the youth united room looking from stage in the pic above.....its a pretty large room, this room actually was a pool and they filled it in... ( this Dream Center was a YMCA)

<<< this is the "greenroom" or prayer room, which is where all of the leaders get together before service and pray.  Notice that it used to be the showers....

<< Ashley playing some ping pong with some kids during the after school program... shes got mad skills

<<<< the Gaze of fury, again mad skillz...

<< just the other half of the "hang out room" where the ping pong, and pool tables were..

<< some crosses in our bosses offices....just a quick little bit of the hangout area..

I will be getting some more pics and videos soon so bare with me :-)

So far so good just a little tired 

LOve All,   Just in 


  1. What an awesome program you are doing...praying you feel God's love for you so you may pass it on...

  2. Thanks for the pic's Justin! Looks like a huge place. "hermeneutics" wow that sounds like a lot of brain work! ;)
    Love you!

  3. Awesome love! I love the pics! I have to take hermanuetics next semester! Hey I will be able to have some help ;) lol love you! Xoxoxox

    Love, your fiancé
